AMCRETE is a concrete floor slab design that offers flat, smooth, and virtually curl-free floors with fewer joints by using a time-tested technology that has proven to be superior to the commonly used slab designs. This technology, also referred to as wide-slab construction, is a method of designing and constructing a slab-on-ground in which individual slab panels extend a minimum of 50’ in at least one dimension. Wide-slab construction relies on methods other than joints to control cracks and curling.   AMCRETE uses single course installation giving the slab continuity from “top to bottom.” Our floors provide a beautiful, durable finish that meets or exceeds design requirements and owners’ expectations.

The tremendous benefits wide-slab floors offer are the solutions that manufacturers with diverse product lines and production needs have been seeking for years.  Leaders in the logistics real estate market such as Prologis have embraced AMCRETE.  In addition to the other benefits, the flat, minimally-jointed floors are ideal for warehouse automation.

Consisting of steel fibers, there is no better flooring system available today. These original steel-fiber-reinforced floors are still in use, providing the owners with the floor and performance they expected. The AM team provides expertise in every step of the process and will bring new ideas to fiber design, mix design, and construction practices to meet the challenges of the next 20 years.